DC's Messiest Sketch Show

Scroll down to apply or click here.

Limited tickets for this show can be purchased here.

What's Dumpster Fire?

Dumpster Fire is a sketch show where being messy is allowed! Normally, there are strict rules around not using liquids or fine materials or causing a mess in the theater. Now, for one night only, there are no rules! You are encouraged to be as messy as possible.

Are there actually no rules?

For the safety of the audience and protection of the venue, there are some ground rules (sorry!). Any mess you commit must only get on yourself, your scene partners, or the floor (there will be a tarp on the ground to protect the floor). You cannot get any messy material on the audience, the seats, the lights, the projector screen, or the side walls. All materials used must be natural and can be washed out with water. Here are some examples of what is and isn't allowed:

Examples of things that are okay:

  1. Pouring milk on yourself
  2. Getting shaving cream on the back wall
  3. Using a super-soaker against your scene partner
  4. Pouring ketchup in your mouth, dipping a french fry in your mouth, then dipping that same french fry in your partner's mouth

Examples of things that are not okay:

  1. No bodily fluids!
  2. Getting paint on the wall
  3. Using harsh chemicals or cleaners
  4. Getting fake blood on the audience

Please email walker@railscomedy.com if you have questions about if your messy sketch is allowed! We want to help your sketch succeed, but we also want to avoid risking damaging the theater.

Am I liable for any permanent property damage caused?

Yes. Therefore, all messy content and materials must be reviewed and approved in advance. Please be messy responsibly. We want to set you up for success, so email walker@railscomedy.com if you have any questions or concerns.

When and where will the show be held?

Dumpster Fire will premiere at The DC Arts Center on Saturday, June 15, 2024, 8:30 PM. Get tickets here!

How can I perform?

Applications are now open and will close on Friday, June 7. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Scroll down to apply or click here. Teams will get 5 minutes each to perform.

What kinds of groups are you looking for?

We welcome performers of all types, ranging from veteran players to newcomers. No matter your experience, we're excited to see what you offer!

When will I hear back if I am accepted as a performer?

All applicants will be contacted by Sunday, June 9, to confirm their participation and be provided with further logistical information.

Have more questions?

Email walker@railscomedy.com.